BioNutrients Calcium

BioNutrients Calcium

Liquid foliar calcium fertiliser with L-amino acids for immediate absorption

 Bio Nutrients Calcium is a special calcium product with direct absorption, fast action, based on chelated complexes of L-amino acids and oligopeptides. It presents an excellent diffusion action and movement within the plant tissues preventing and correcting in the most effective way calcium deficiencies in most crops. It contributes to the smooth conduct of flowering and fruiting, while it participates in the process of cell divisions and the increase of the final size of the fruits and the height of production. In addition, it participates in the thickening of the cell walls in the plant tissues and by extension in increasing the mechanical resistance against extreme environmental conditions, fungal or even entomological attacks.

Applications: In all crops throughout the growing season, during the vegetation stage, before flowering, after fruit set or where deemed necessary according to the environmental conditions and the desired result.

Calcium oxide (Cao): 21%
Οrganic Nitrogen (N): 4.9% Amino acids: 42%

Available Packages:
– Container 1lt
– Container 5lt
– IBC 1000lt